Traffi c congestion in the Philippines is a huge problem that needs to be addressed through an effi cient traffi c planning and management system. According to the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the country is losing P3.5 billion a day as a result of traffi c jam in Metro Manila. The number of cars on the road coupled with on-going road constructions with the undisciplined behavior of drivers, all contribute to the traffi c congestion.

Local Sim offers a solution to this alarming problem. Local Sim is a software that simulates local traffi c while taking into consideration the behavior of Filipino drivers. The technology provides a user-interface feature that enables the LGU traffi c management offi cer to simulate any traffi c environment with parameters of behavior/tendencies of traffi c agents as well as drivers and pedestrians that can be set uniformly or can follow some known distributions.  

Dr. Cristina Bargo
University of the Philippines Diliman

For inquiries, please contact:

837-2071 to 82 loc. 2100, 2120 & 2121 

DOST Technology Transfer