The Contactless Apprehension for Traffi c Violators on 24-Hour Basis and All-Vehicle Detection System (CATCH-ALL) is an integration of vision and machine learning systems that offers better performance in visual monitoring, recording, and evidence-gathering tasks. Developed as a response to traffi c congestion, the CATCH-ALL System can detect vehicles with traffi c violations such as swerving, number coding, counter-fl owing, and illegal parking.
The technology consists of specialized CCTV cameras with high image and video capturing abilities through fi ber optic technology. Together with Image Processing and Artifi cial Intelligence System, the CATCH-ALL can identify and profi le vehicles by size as well as track the motions and speed of vehicles from one location to another thereby providing a faster, effi cient, and evidence-based method of detecting traffi c violators.
Dr. Elmer Dadios
De La Salle University (DLSU)
For inquiries, please contact:
837-2071 to 82 loc. 2100, 2120 & 2121