Science and technology have a signifi cant role and undeniable contribution to disaster risk management efforts. Through various technologies developed, concerned authorities can better understand, assess, and reduce the risks and implement science-based solutions for better disaster risk reduction management. 

Geo-SAFER is an enabler of risk reduction technology because it offers Context-sensitive Online Mapping Services for Development Planning and Resource Management. Geo-SAFER is used to determine key geo-hazard areas that are at risk during heavy downpours. Its program processed and validated geohazard data produced using Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) and Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (IfSAR) technologies to create fl ood hazard impact assessment maps and statistics at the municipal and barangay levels.

Dr. Rolyn Daguil
Caraga State University


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837-2071 to 82 loc. 2100, 2120 & 2121

DOST Technology Transfer