One of the ways to address the low and inconsistent egg production performance of the “mongrel” ducks in the country is to produce a genetically superior breeder duck called Itik Pinas (IP).

IP is a brand of breeding true-to-type Philippine native layer duck. It is characterized by uniform physical appearance, predictable egg production performance, and consistent product quality. IP produces more eggs of up to 55 pieces per duck per year over compared to that of the traditional mongrel ducks. Now, the commercial volume of the IP-Kayumanggi is available from private duck breeder farm partners on a prearranged purchase scheme.

Dr. Rene C. Santiago

National Swine and Poultry Research and Development Center, Bureau of Animal Industry

For inquiries, contact DOST-PCAARRD
(049) 554-9670 or 536-1574

DOST Technology Transfer